The Factory

We are data engineers and data scientists involved in accelerating innovation in Investment Management. We are neither an asset manager nor a traditional advisor. We are a Financial Advisory Firm regulated by the CNMV. We are a Factory that builds investment methodologies with complete independence.

We leverage Augmented Data to empower AI investment decision-making

With more than 5 consecutive years being awarded by the Ministry for our innovation work. ETS is ready to be your assistant in the generative AI wave.

Unique database

Unique database

Since our inception we have been taking care of the quality of our databases. And now after more than 35 years, we can face any challenge with the assurance that all information is free of bias.

Generative AI

Generative AI

Modern AI techniques require considerable amounts of data to be trained, for preventing the overffiting. But our propietary Financial Scenarios Generator allow us to generate thousands of realistic synthetic financial scenarios, providing a tool to mitigate overfitting and develop more robust quantitative strategies.

Research Data Lake

Research Data Lake

We are constantly researching and creating new models that characterise the market. Once the data is validated his signals are stored, and daily updated, in our Research Data Lake: the place where ETS knowledge remains.

AI at the service of investment strategies

Raw Data

Raw Data

Historical market and financial data, with a full-time dedicated team for curating the data.

Augmented Data

Augmented Data

Raw data is translated into AI language using proprietary algorithms.



Highly flexible simulation tool at the service of our clients, so that each advisor can introduce his or her own rules.

Risk Management

Risk Management

Volatility and currency risk are managed to match investor's preferences.

Information that no data provider offers

The Research Data Lake is the place where all our research remains. With specialization in different areas of finance, we can find models that help us to promote your strategy to another level with event-driven algorithms, macro prediction, bayesian forecasting or many others.

Daily learning

12 catagories

500 signals

20.000 features/inputs

The intelligent path

At ETS we have been innovating since 1987, always trying to be at the forefront of quantitative investment. We have come all the way from Quants to Data Scientists to AI Specialists.

Quants (Traditional Data)

Quants (Traditional Data)

Ability to analyze real-time market data, company financial data and create quantitative models.

Data Scientists (Alternative Data)

Data Scientists (Alternative Data)

Understanding of machine learning techniques and which algorithm to use depending on the needs.

AI Specialists (Augmented Data)

AI Specialists (Augmented Data)

Ability to augment information and translate it into the language of the market through information representation techniques. This is where Generative AI appears, allowing to measure the robustness of the models and to provide managers with information and non-linear patterns for decision making.

Reasons to leverage on AI

Data-drive Decision Making

Data-drive Decision Making

AI can analyze vast amounts of financial data in real-time, allowing for informed investment decisions based on comprehensive and accurate information.

Enhance Accuracy and Efficiency

Enhance Accuracy and Efficiency

AI Algorithms can process data faster and more accurately than humans, reducing error and optimizing investment strategies. This leads to improved portfolio management and potentially higher risk adjusted returns.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Continuous Learning and Improvement

AI Algorithms can continuously learn form new data and adjust investment strategies accordingly. This adaptive learning capability enhances performance and ensures the application of up-to-date investment techniques.

Risk Management

Risk Management

AI can assess risk factors and market volatility, enabling the development of robust risk management strategies. This helps investors optimize their portfolios to achieve a balance between risk and return.

Backtesting and Simulation

Backtesting and Simulation

AI allows for backtesting and simulating investment strategies using historical synthetic data. This helps investors evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches before implementing them in real-time.

Continuos Monitoring

Continuos Monitoring

AI can monitor investments round the clock, identifying anomalies or changes in market conditions and promptly alerting investors. This real-time monitoring capability ensures proactive decision making and reduces the risk of missed opportunities or potential losses.

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